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An Overview of Xoops CMS

Content management systems allow a webmaster to expand their website considerably, without the added stress of organizing the process manually. The greatest aspect of these content management systems is that…

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New CMS Software Worth Consideration

The market for CMS programs has grown so large that keeping up with everything is virtually impossible.  Although most users tend to have their favorites, there is always a handful…

CMS Made Simple

CMS Made Simple Content Management System

A man who gave up working in his father’s metal shop to building a good, solid content management system, Ted Kulp has been actively developing and tweaking CMS Made Simple…

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Enhanced CMS Security with Secure Live

Most people would be content by just getting through the typical work day with as few annoyances as possible.  If your job or business involves maintaining a CMS and working…

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Amaxus CMS Gets a Serious Upgrade

The Amaxus content management tool has been on the CMS market since 2001.  However, isn’t wasn’t until September, 2009 that the product was properly introduced to the web.  The platform…

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Introducing the IntelBuilder CMS

Content management tools can do a lot these days, but few are able to match up to the exceptional default capabilities of IntelBuilder.  This software acts as a CMS and…

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Drupal Hosting: Not Just for Techies

As a website grows larger and more complex, many webmasters discover that static HTML pages make it much harder to update and keep track of the content it contains.  At…

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A New CMS for ASP.NET Lovers

The market for ASP.NET CMS products is expanding rapidly.  Users now have another option for blending content management and the power of ASP.NET with Webaptive.  Just released by developer Striquent,…

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Textpattern: The Text-Friendly CMS

In World Wide Web years, TextPattern is a mature CMS that has been around in alpha and beta versions since 2001 and finally distributed under the GNU GPL in 2004. …

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SaasS Content Management with Clickability

Previously known as cmPublish, the Clickability Platform is a CMS with a different approach on content management.  Developed by CMS provider Clickability, this platform is delivered on an on-demand basis,…