Chances are, one of your new year’s resolutions was to increase your business. Stopping something, like smoking, or drinking are hard enough… and who would want to stop? But I digress. STARTING something is very hard. You have no road map for success and have usually jumped into it without the proper planning. Well, in honor of 2014 (even years are luckier than odd years, so goes some ancient curse… I’ve heard), let this be the first of a series published in January that will give you simple steps to planning or just re-evaluating your business approach. If you get just one good idea, then that’s good enough for a resolution most people forget about.
With the endless holiday parties you attended, did you miss the opportunities for meeting people, getting referrals, and, with those too much to drink kind of parties? Blackmail-a-plenty from those parties could start a flood of projects from happy and/or frightened and regretful new party pals.
Face-to-Face Networking is Still Important
You have a friend who works for that big ad agency in town? Well, if you asked nicely, don’t you think they would invite you to attend some event or party? If you threatened to post those photos from Mardi Gras on Facebook, I’m sure they would welcome you with open arms. You do, of course, have to remember not to be pushy about networking at office parties. Subtle and loose is the best approach. Wait for someone to ask who you are and what you do and let them to ask for your card. Once that ice is broken, then you can ask for their card and leave it sit for a week to call and causally mention where you met and could you get 15 minutes of their time to talk about some business and you’ll bring some coffee and donuts. More often than not, that works fine.
Always remember to ask for referrals. If things go well at your meeting, ask if they know anyone else at the agency they think you should meet. Maybe they know someone at another agency? Word of mouth referrals are always the best link to new clients. Actually, come to think of it, the best link to new clients is to make out with the head creative director or VP of marketing at the holiday party. Yeah, yeah… call me cheap and trashy but I have better clients than you have.
The beautiful lady in this video is a bit creepy and she speaks as if the viewer is a moron, but she has a couple of great ideas.
Here’s a lady that speaks in general terms but they are good ground rules.
Lest we not forget the compulsory get-together with close friends and family at holiday time. While your family is busy making suggestions about why you don’t design a web site for MicroSoft because they will pay good money, they usually don’t have the brain synapses firing enough to remember that Uncle Squinky was a college frat brother of the CEO of some huge corporation or Great Aunt Flippsie was the biggest trollop at Yale and slept with men who are now the majority of CEOs for the Fortune 100. It just takes some gentle questions and a bit of digging and you’ll find family can hold a wealth of connections. If you didn’t disgrace yourself at the family dinner this year, then call your connected uncle and ask for an introduction or referral.
Those Digital Friends
Most of us have a couple of hundred Facebook friends and while some might not be real friends, if you have a dozen really close friends, why not ask them if they have any connections that could help you? Ask them to repeat the advice of the family connections. Surely they have slutty aunts and drunken frat uncles, too! Good friends are here for us as we are for them. You will find yourself closer to those who will go to bat for you and what better way to start the new year than an appreciation for those who love us for ourselves and not a blood relationship?
With the new hashtag capabilities of Facebook, you have an even greater reach for your fan page, or profile. Here’s an older video on Facebook fan pages. Some functions you need to know and a few ideas you can use.
Put Yourself Out There
All over your town, there are events and volunteer opportunities for the holidays. Get involved and show you care. You will meet others who care and appreciate you for your generous nature. If nothing pans out from those you meet, at least you’ve helped others and, of course, the people you meet will know other people. In my experience, when you tell someone you are a designer, they immediately blurt out how they know the creative director of this agency or the president of that company. Keep the conversation going and tell them you’d appreciate an introduction or phone number.
Sometimes we need to build our interpersonal skills, and there’s nothing better than one of these old instructional films. Just remember that the hairstyles, fashion, cars and attitudes were from one hundred years ago.
WOW! Did you get the size of those weird, wall-mounted cell phones Jerry was using?!
Have you kept up with existing connections? Did you send out holiday greetings? You still have time to send at least an ecard to those email contacts you haven’t heard from in a year or more. Buy a $1 seasonal stock image (DON’T LIFT IMAGES OFF THE INTERNET THAT YOU DON’T OWN!) and slap some type on it and BINGO! You can revive those old relationships. It’s also acceptable to create an actual card and send it out with New Year wishes, which gives you another few days to design something and have it printed. Get on it because people do like being remembered. My years dealing with greeting card companies proved people love getting cards because they’re so out of the ordinary. Give it a try!
There are always lots of options for networking but we tend to forget those that are closest to us can be the most valuable for quality connections. As with the presents you will received this year, keep the best and return the rest. Best of luck and here’s to a great , prosperous new year.
Top image ©GL Stock Images
Huh really never did think of Christmas cards as a marketing tool! You have provided many great tips and incentive for me to get back out there!
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Hey Speider, Your information is awesome really to gain new clients for my Business. All topics are mostly effecting for successful online and offline marketing. The guys who are very near to me I applied your theory offering new business card 2014 and they got very eager to my business policy. Some of them bought my products spontaneously. So my business activity is increasing day by day. I hope, keep writing such helpful tips continuously.