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Beware! You’re Famous

But are you just newsworthy famous? Or can you rake in some green for your fame? In other words, did you pass through the right Portal and win the right to…

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Face Mining for BangApps

Face mining is here.   Surreptitiously take a photo of her face with your Iphone and discover if she is orgasmic or faithful.  Scan his face and find out how…

Web Site Or Facebook? Depends On Your Needs!

There’s always discussion as to what is the best way to present your product or services to prospective clients. A company without a web site is rare. Only the smallest…

Top 10 Features of Facebook

Facebook is a well-liked social networking web site that connects millions of users from all over the world who share one common interest, staying in touch with family, friends, and…


Facebook and Privacy: A Strain too Great?

Our personal identifying information is something that many of us try our best to protect.  It’s a common worry that an employer may “Google” a prospective employee and see what…

Facebook vs. Google Plus

Facebook, the number one social networking platform on the Internet right now, has some very stiff competition with Google Plus. Google plus, which was recently created just a few months…

Top 5 Social Networking Platforms

The world has definitely changed within the last 10 years. Before, communication was challenging and time consuming. To connect with others, there was a simple phone call or perhaps a…

Top Apps for Blackberry Smartphones

Blackberry smartphones are used by millions of people. Even with the Apple iPhone and all other Android phones being released, there is still a significant number of people who are…


Life Blogging and the Web 2.0

In today’s connected world, words like “blog,” “LiveJournal” and “Twitter” bombard us. They are featured prominently in the news.  Co-workers, family members and friends are eager to give each other…