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Utilizing Video Marketing to Optimize Search Engine Results

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Web Hosting Geek

Video content sites like YouTube are quickly becoming the most popular platforms for content sharing and information awareness. Using video to market for website is a great opportunity to increase the exposure of your online business and a fantastic way to increase the the search engine ranking for your site. When using a search engine to browse the internet a video will usually take the top spot in the results. What follows is an example of how one can reach the top of the search engines with no monetary obligations in a short period of time.

How to Increase the Popularity of Your Website Using Video

As is common knowledge, the popularity of a website has much impact on the search engine results. The more well known a website is, the more people will link to it, higher numbers of links will in turn yield more hits from search engines. Viewing internet marketing in this way almost reminds one of a snowball effect. The more you pile on, the faster the site will take off. One of the best things about video marketing is that people are more likely to watch a video as apposed to reading page after page of information. Added to this the fact that most people are more likely to link to a video than a text page and you can see the obvious advantages of video marketing.

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Be Easily Accessible

One of the more common issues with video marketing is the format in which it is done. Many people use Flash software to add video content to their websites. The problem with Flash videos is that they are not easily picked up by search engines. Because of this it is generally recommended that when adding video to your website that a video sharing site like YouTube be used. YouTube offers a different format that is more easily accessed on the web than Flash formats and will increase the odds of being seen.

Using YouTube you can link videos to your website or embed them into the actual page themselves for easy viewing allowing readers to never have to leave your site in order to view the content that they have been searching for. Many YouTube videos are displayed at the top of most search engines and offer great exposure to those seeking it. With good keyword placement it is possible to reach the top of search engines.

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Do Not Be Mundane

Most people do not realize that one of the factors of successful search engine utilization is the time spent on your site by visitors. Search engines like Google use advance algorithms to gauge how long each visitor to your website stays on your page. The longer a visitor views your page, the higher the ranking of your website will be with search engines. Knowing this, it is best to try and keep guests to encourage guests of your web page to stay longer periods of time. Using video content will give users something to do while visiting your page. Watching videos, for many people, is often the easier softer alternative to actually reading page upon page of information. Adding videos to your website will encourage browsers to stay longer periods of time and thus increase the ranking of your site.

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